
(this page is a few years out of date — update coming soon!)

Open-access / self-archived versions of most publications can be downloaded here, but also try Google Scholar or ResearchGate. Or email Dan Lockton.

Academic & practitioner journal articles

Lockton, D., Forlano, L., Fass, J., Brawley, L. (2020). ‘Thinking with Things: Landscapes, Connections and Performances as Modes of Building Shared Understanding’. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 40(6), pp.38-50. (paywall version doi:10.1109/mcg.2020.3027591 / free self-archived version PDF)

Ricketts, D. and Lockton, D. (2019). ‘Mental Landscapes: Externalizing Mental Models Through Metaphors’. Interactions 26, 2 (March 2019), pp.86-90. (paywall version doi:10.1145/3301653 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D. and Candy, S. (2019) ‘A Vocabulary for Visions in Designing for Transition’. Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Diseño y Comunicación 73, pp.27–49. (Open access PDF

Pao, D., Stevens, J., Lockton, D. (2017) ‘Together in electric screams: the frustrations of GUM electronic patient records’. Sexually Transmitted Infections 93 (Suppl 1), P053. (paywall version doi:10.1136/sextrans-2017-053232.99)

Niedderer, K., Ludden, G., Clune, S. J., Lockton, D., Mackrill, J., Morris, A., Cain, R., Gardiner, E., Evans, M., Gutteridge, R., Hekkert, P. P. (2016). ‘Design for behaviour change as a driver for sustainable innovation: Challenges and opportunities for implementation in the private and public sectors’. International Journal of Design, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 67-85. (free open access PDF)

Fantini van Ditmar, D. and Lockton, D. (2015) ‘Taking the code for a walk’. Interactions Vol.23 No.1, pp. 68-71. (paywall version doi:10.1145/2855958 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D., Nicholson, L., Cain, R., Harrison, D. (2014) ‘Persuasive Technology for Sustainable Workplaces’. Interactions Vol.21 No.1, pp. 58-61. (paywall version doi:10.1145/2544170 / free open access version PDF)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., Stanton, N.A. (2013) ‘Exploring design patterns for sustainable behaviour’. The Design Journal Vol.16 No. 4, pp. 431-459, 2013 (paywall version doi:10.2752/175630613X13746645186124 / free draft version PDF)

Gorzanelli, C., Ramster, G., Outten, A., Lockton, D. (2013) ‘Cittadini e nuovi media per un’intelligenza creativa’ [Citizens and new media for a creative intelligence]. Urbanistica Tre Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 75-84, 2013 (free open access PDF)

Phillips, R., Lockton, D., Baurley, S., Silve, S. (2013) ‘Making instructions for others: exploring mental models through a simple exercise’. Interactions Vol.20 No.5, pp. 74-79, Sept-Oct 2013. (paywall version doi:10.1145/2505290 / free open access version PDF)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., Cain, R., Stanton, N.A., Jennings, P. (2013) ‘Exploring problem-framing through behavioural heuristics’. International Journal of Design Vol.7 No.1, April 2013 (free open access PDF)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., Stanton, N.A. (2012) ‘Models of the user: designers’ perspectives on influencing sustainable behaviour’. Journal of Design Research Vol.10 No.1/2, pp.7-27, 2012 (paywall version doi:10.1504/JDR.2012.046137 / free open access version PDF)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., Stanton, N.A. (2010) ‘The Design with Intent Method: a design tool for influencing user behaviour’. Applied Ergonomics Vol.41 No.3, pp. 382-392, May 2010 (paywall version doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2009.09.001 / free open access version)

Bisset, F. and Lockton, D. (2010) ‘Designing Motivation or Motivating Design? Exploring service design, motivation and behavioural change’. Touchpoint: The Journal of the Service Design Network Vol.2 No.1, April/May 2010 (paywall version / free version PDF)

Marsh, N. and Lockton, D. (2010) ‘Research in practice: Bringing behaviour change from lab to studio’. Touchpoint: The Journal of the Service Design Network Vol.2 No.1, April/May 2010 (paywall version / free version PDF

Lockton, D. (2009) ‘Design for sustainable behaviour: influencing users to improve efficiency of product use’. Interfaces 78, British Computer Society Interaction Group, Spring 2009 (free open access PDF)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., Stanton, N.A. (2008) ‘Making the user more efficient: Design for sustainable behaviour’. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering Vol.1 No. 1, pp. 3-8, March 2008 (paywall version doi:10.1080/19397030802131068 / free open access version)

Lockton, D. (2006) ‘Architectures of Control in product design’. Engineering Designer: The Journal of the Institution of Engineering Designers, March/April 2006 (free open access PDF)

Books and booklets, authored & edited

Lockton, D. (ed.), Urban, M., Albaugh, L., Petrich, J., Zea-Wolfson, T., Deng, E., Chun, J., Song, A., Lee, S., Allred, C., Wang, J., Fu, Y., Sieh, Y., Costes, C., Karavdic, E., Ploehn, C., Koid, S., Lin, D., Kim, R., Prindible, M., Geiger, M. (2019). Climate Pathways: Projects from the Imaginaries Lab. Pittsburgh & Dawlish: Imaginaries Lab, ISBN 978-0-9565421-4-4.

Lockton, D., Singh, D., Sabnis, S., Chou, M. (2019). New Metaphors: A Creative Toolkit for Generating Ideas and Reframing Problems. Pittsburgh & Dawlish: Imaginaries Lab, ISBN 978-0-9565421-2-0 (print) ISBN 978-0-9565421-3-7 (PDF)

Ryan, E. (2019). hi how r u: Understanding Modern Digital Communication. Booklet produced for EPIC 2019: Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference, Providence, RI.

Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (2016) Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-33526-1 (paywall version doi:10.1007/978-3-319-33527-8)

Bowden, F., Lockton, D., Gheerawo, R. & Brass, C. (2015) Drawing Energy: Exploring Perceptions of the Invisible. London: Royal College of Art. ISBN 978-1-910642-10-8 (PDF; book website)

Lockton, D., Greene, C., Casey, A., Raby, E., & Vickress, A. (Eds.) (2014) Creative Citizens’ Variety Pack: Inspiring digital ideas from community projects, London: Royal College of Art, September 2014. ISBN 978-1-907342-97-4. free open access PDF

Nodder, C. (2013) Evil by Design: interaction design to lead us into temptation, 2013, New York: Wiley [Technical editor]. ISBN 978-1-11842214-4.

Lockton, D., Harrison, D.J., Stanton, N.A. (2010) Design with Intent: 101 Patterns for Influencing Behaviour Through Design v.1.0, Windsor: Equifine 2010 (ISBN 978-0-9565421-0-6 print; 978-0-9565421-1-3 free eBook)

Weightman, C., Lockton, D., Hanson, J.E. et al (Eds.) (2004) Good Thinking: Brunel Design 04, Runnymede: Brunel University Press 2004 (ISBN 1-902316-41-X print)

Lockton, D. (2003) Rebel Without Applause: The Reliant Company from Inception to Zenith, Minster Lovell: Bookmarque 2003. (ISBN 978-1-8705196-4-9 print)

Book chapters

Lockton, D. (2019). ‘Data Physicalization’. In: Martin, B. and Hanington, B., Universal Methods of Design Expanded and Revised: 125 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions. Rockport.

Lockton, D. (2019). ‘Metaphors’. In: Martin, B. and Hanington, B., Universal Methods of Design Expanded and Revised: 125 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions. Rockport.

Lockton, D. (2019). ‘Behavioral Design’. In: Martin, B. and Hanington, B., Universal Methods of Design Expanded and Revised: 125 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions. Rockport.

Clune, S.J. and Lockton, D. (2017). ‘Design for Behaviour Change and Sustainability’. In: Niedderer, K., Clune, S.J., Ludden, G. (Eds.), Design for Behaviour Change: Theories and practices of designing for change. London: Routledge.

Lockton, D. (2017). ‘Design, Behaviour Change, and the Design with Intent Toolkit’. In: Niedderer, K., Clune, S.J., Ludden, G. (Eds.), Design for Behaviour Change: Theories and practices of designing for change. London: Routledge.

Lockton, D. and Ranner, V. (2017). ‘Plans and speculated actions: Design, behaviour and complexity in sustainable futures’. In: Chapman, J. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Product Design. London: Routledge, pp. 487-501. (free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D. (2016) ‘Frustrated Models’. In: Borland, R., Scarff, L., Brunswick, I. (eds.), Design and Violence Zine #2, pp. 12-15, Science Gallery Dublin / MoMA. (free open access PDF)

Lockton, D., Bowden F., Matthews, C. (2016) ‘Powerchord: Exploring ambient audio feedback on energy use’. In: Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (eds.), Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living. Berlin: Springer, pp. 297-308. (free self-archived version PDF)

Folta, K., Lockton, D., Bowden F. (2016) ‘Recruitment of participants for insight research and prototyping’. In: Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (eds.), Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living. Berlin: Springer, pp. 241-245. (free self-archived version PDF)

Bowden, F., Lockton, D., Gheerawo, R., Brass, C. (2016). ‘Participatory Drawing in Ethnographic Research‘. In: Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (eds.), Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living. Berlin: Springer, pp. 179-190. (free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D. (2016). ‘Design with Intent and the field of design for sustainable behaviour’. In: Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (eds.), Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living. Berlin: Springer, pp. 75-88. (free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D. (2016). ‘Designing Agency in the City’. In: Pipkin, L. (ed.), The Pursuit of Legible Policy: Agency and Participation in the Complex Systems of the Contemporary Megalopolis. Buró-Buró, Mexico City, pp. 53—61. (free open access PDF)

Turner, J., Lockton, D., Dovey, J. (2016) ‘Technology and the creative citizen’. In: Hargreaves, I. and Hartley, J. (eds), The Creative Citizen Unbound: How social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 231-254. (free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D. and Bowden, F. (2015). ‘People, Energy and Everyday Life: Uncovering behavioural design opportunities behind energy use patterns’. In Watson, J., Clegg, C., Cowell, C., Davies, F., Hughes, C., McCarthy, N., Westbury, P. (eds.), Built for Living: Understanding behaviour and the built environment through engineering and design. London: Royal Academy of Engineering. ISBN: 978-1-909327-17-7 (PDF)

Lockton, D., Greene, C., Ramster, G., Outten, A., & Raby, E. (2014) ‘The Story Machine’ in Lockton, D., Greene, C., Casey, A., Raby, E., & Vickress, A. (Eds.) Creative Citizens’ Variety Pack: Inspiring digital ideas from community projects, London: Royal College of Art, September 2014. free open access PDF

Lockton, D. (2013) ‘Williams, Tom Lawrence [Laurie] (1890–1964)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, May 2013 update, Oxford: Oxford University Press (free open access doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/103411)

Lockton, D. (2013) ‘Interview with Dan Lockton’ in Savić, S. and Savičić, G. (eds.), Unpleasant Design, Belgrade: GLORIA

Lockton, D., Harrison, D.J., Stanton, N.A. (2010) ‘Design for Behaviour Change’ in A.M. Columbus (Ed.): Advances in Psychology Research 67/69, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers 2010 (email me for a copy)

Lockton, D. (2010) ‘Design with Intent: Influencing people’s behaviour through products & services’ in B. Davey et al (Eds.), 250 Innovative Ideas: Made in Brunel 2010, Papadakis, London 2010 (free open access)

Theses and dissertations

Lockton, D. (2013) Design with Intent: A design pattern toolkit for environmental & social behaviour change. PhD thesis, Brunel University, School of Engineering & Design. link

Lockton, D. (2005) Architectures of Control in Consumer Product Design. MPhil dissertation, University of Cambridge, Judge Institute of Management. link

Lockton, D. (2004) Wheelchair Drive. BSc project report, Brunel University, Department of Design & Systems Engineering. link

Working papers, drafts, and long-form blogs

Lockton, D. (2016) ‘Play Lab: Exploring Ambiguity’. Published on Medium, December 2016 (link)

Lockton, D. (2015) ‘Let’s See What We Can Do: Designing Agency’. Published on Medium, December 2015 (link)

Buchanan, K. & Lockton, D. (2015) ‘Understanding Human Connectivity and the Quantified Self’. Working papers of the Sustainable Society Network+, March 2015 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2014) ‘As we may understand: a constructionist approach to ‘behaviour change’ and the Internet of Things’. Published on Medium, November 2014 (link)

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘Persuasive Technology and Digital Design for Behaviour Change’. Working paper, August 2012 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘Simon’s scissors and ecological psychology in design for behaviour change’. Working paper, August 2012 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘Social and interpersonal approaches to design for behaviour change’. Working paper, August 2012 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘Cognitive biases, heuristics and decision-making in design for behaviour change’. Working paper, August 2012 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘Attitudes, meaning, emotion and motivation in design for behaviour change’. Working paper, August 2012 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘Affordances, constraints and information flows as ‘leverage points’ in design for sustainable behaviour’. Working paper, April 2012 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘POSIWID and determinism in design for behaviour change’. Working paper, April 2012 (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2011) ‘Architecture, urbanism, design and behaviour: a brief review’. Working paper, September 2011 (webpage version; PDF ‘paper’ version coming soon)

Lockton, D. (2011) ‘Design and behaviourism: a brief review’. Working paper, July 2011 (webpage version; PDF ‘paper’ version coming soon)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D.J., Stanton, N.A. (2009) ‘Design for Behaviour Change: The Design with Intent Toolkit v.0.9’, Uxbridge: Brunel University Press 2009 (ISBN 978-1-902316-6-1 print; 978-1-902316-63-5 free eBook)

Magazine & other short or invited articles

Lockton, D. (2019). ‘What are you reading? Dan Lockton’. Interactions 26, 1 (January 2019), 12-13. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3292031 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lee, C.H., Lockton, D., Verweij, D., Kirk, D., Rogage, K., Durrant, A., Ball, A., Desjardins, A., Horowitz, A.H., Grover, I., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Rosello, O., Vega, T., Jain, A., Breazeal, C., and Maes, P. (2018). ‘Demo hour’. Interactions 25, 6 (October 2018), 10-13. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3279993 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D. (2015) ‘Understanding Understanding: Two ways to include people in behavioural design’, The Startup Magazine, issue 2, June 2015 (PDF)

Lockton, D. (2014) ‘A case study on inclusive design: ethnography and energy use’, Ethnography Matters, 13 February 2014

Lockton, D. (2013) ‘Design for repair: empowering consumers to fix the future’, Guardian Sustainable Business, 29 May 2013

Lockton, D. (2013) ‘Design for sustainability: making green behaviour easy’, Guardian Sustainable Business, 20 March 2013

Lockton, D. (2011) ‘How do people understand heating, energy use and behaviour at DECC?’. Invited article for intranet blog at Department of Energy and Climate Change, based on on ethnographic interviews with staff, March 2011.

Lockton, D. (2009) ‘Designing with intent’. Review of Greengaged session Design for Life: Barriers to Behaviour Change. Invited article for Design Council / Greengaged website, September 2009

Lockton, D. (2008) ‘A history of Tamworth’s Reliant cars’, BBC Stoke & Staffordshire, published 25 July 2008 (written c.2003)

Lockton, D. (2008) ‘J.G. Ballard and architectures of control’, Ballardian, January 2008

Lockton, D. (2007) ‘Limiting frequency of cigarette use’. Invited article for Design TAXI, April 2007

Lockton, D. (2006) ‘Not Purrrrrfect: The Reliant Kitten’, Original Tin No. 2, September 2006

Lockton, D. (2006) ‘Double-edged sword: The Reliant Scimitar SS1’, AROnline, the Unofficial Austin-Rover Web Resource, May 2006

Meredith-Lobay, M., Lockton, D. and Painter, A-J. (2005) ‘Who do they think they are? Americans on America’. Gown magazine, University of Cambridge, Lent 2005

Lockton, D. (2005) ‘Designs on your freedom’. Gown magazine, University of Cambridge, Easter 2005

Patent applications

Moar, P. and Lockton, D. (2011) ‘Dispenser tube comprising piston on threaded shaft’. Filed 26 August 2011, publication number GB2493979

Lockton, D. (2006) ‘Back up light for standard lamp fitting’. Filed 14 June 2006, publication number GB2435319

Conference papers and extended abstracts

Alves-Oliveira, P., Lupetti, M.L., Luria, M., Löffler, D., Gamboa, M., Albaugh, L., Kamino, W., Ostrowski, A.K., Puljiz, D., Reynolds-Cuéllar, P., Scheunemann, M., Suguitan, M., Lockton, D. (2021). ‘Collection of Metaphors for Human-Robot Interaction’. DIS 2021: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, June 2021, 1366–1379. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3461778.3462060)

Reddy, A., Kocaballi, A.B., Nicenboim, I., Juul Søndergaard, M.L., Lupetti, M.L., Key, C., Speed, C., Lockton, D., Giaccardi, E., Grommé, F., Robbins, H., Primlani, N., Yurman, P., Sumartojo, S., Phan, T., Bedö, V., Strengers, Y., (2021). ‘Making Everyday Things Talk: Speculative Conversations into the Future of Voice Interfaces at Home’. CHI EA 2021: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2021. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3411763.3450390)

Lockton, D., Zea-Wolfson, T., Chou, J., Song, A., Ryan, E., Walsh, C.J. (2020). ‘Sleep Ecologies: Tools for Snoozy Autoethnography’. DIS 2020: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, July 2020, online. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3357236.3395482 / free self-archived PDF)

Lockton, D. and Lallemand, C. (2020). ‘Meeting designers where they are: using industry events as a research venue for HCI and design methods development‘. CHI 2020: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 25–30 2020, online. (free open-access version doi:10.1145/3313831.33762060)

Burgess, C., Albert, M., Lockton, D., Cardoso Llach, D. (2020). ‘Stamper: An Artboard-Oriented Creative Coding Environment’. CHI EA 2020: Extended Abstract proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 25–30 2020, online. (paywall version:doi:10.1145/3334480.3382994 / free self-archived PDF)

Lockton, D., Chou, M., Krishnaprasad, A., Dixit, D., La Vattiata, S., Shon, J., Geiger, M., Zea-Wolfson, T. (2019). ‘Metaphors and imaginaries in design research for change‘. DR4C: Design Research for Change Symposium, 11-12 December 2019, London.

Lockton, D., Brawley, L. Aguirre Ulloa, M., Prindible, M., Forlano, L., Rygh, K., Fass, J., Herzog, K., Nissen, B. (2019). ‘Tangible Thinking: Materializing how we imagine and understand interdisciplinary systems, experiences, and relationships’. Workshop at RSD8: Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium 2019, 17–19 October 2019, Chicago. (free self-archived PDF)

Boehnert, J., Gaziulusoy, İ., Lockton, D., Nilstad Pettersen, I., Sinclair, M. (2019). ‘Introduction: Power and Politics in Design for Transition‘. ADIM 2019: Academy for Design Innovation Management, 19–21 June 2019, London.

Lockton, D., Singh, D., Sabnis, S., Chou, M., Foley, S., Pantoja, A. (2019). ‘New Metaphors: A Workshop Method for Generating Ideas and Reframing Problems in Design and Beyond’. C&C 2019: ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition. June 2019, San Diego. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3325480.3326570 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D., Crawford, G., Singh, D., Wu, S. (2019). ‘Electric Acoustic: Exploring Energy Through Sonic & Vibration Displays’. CHI EA 2019: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, extended abstracts, Glasgow. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3290607.3313014 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lee, C.H., Lockton, D., Stevens, J., Wang, S.J., Ahn, S-H. (2019). ‘Synaesthetic-Translation Tool: Synaesthesia as an Interactive Material for Ideation’. CHI EA 2019: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, extended abstracts, Glasgow. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3290607.3312849 / free self-archived version PDF)

Bose, G., Lu, M., Ochoa, L., Lockton, D. (2019). ‘Emoto: From Phone to Emotive Robotic AI Sidekick’. TEI 2019: ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions. March 17-20, 2019, Tempe, AZ. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3294109.3300993 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lockton, D. (2018). ‘Exploring R.D. Laing’s Knots in Systemic Design’. RSD 7: Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium, 24–26 October 2018, Turin, working paper. (free open access PDF). (note, original abstract and presentation was titled ‘Old Rope? Laing’s Knots and Bateson’s Double Binds in Systemic Design’)

Boehnert, J., Lockton, D., Mulder, I. (2018). ‘Editorial: Designing for Transitions’. DRS 2018: Design Research Society, 25–28 June 2018, Limerick. (free open access PDF)

Pao, D., Stevens., J., Lockton, D., Weinstein, N. (2018). ‘Electronic Medical Record Provotype: visualisation maximises clinical usability’. EVA London 2018: Electronic Visualisation & the Arts, 10–12 July 2018, London. (open access)

Foley, S.M. and Lockton, D. (2018). ‘Service Fictions through Actant Switching‘. DRS 2018: Design Research Society, 25–28 June 2018, Limerick. (free open access PDF)

Lockton, D. and Candy, S. (2018). ‘A Vocabulary for Visions in Designing for Transitions’. DRS 2018: Design Research Society, 25–28 June 2018, Limerick. (free open access PDF)

Lee, C.H. and Lockton, D. (2018). ‘Exploring Cognitive Playfulness Through Zero Interactions’. DIS 2018: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 9–13 June 2018, Hong Kong. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3197391.3205413 / free self-archived version PDF)

Lo, D., Lockton, D., Rohrbach, S. (2018). ‘Experiential Augmentation: Uncovering The Meaning Of Qualitative Visualizations When Applied To Augmented Objects’. CHI 2018: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 21–26 2018, Montreal. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3173574.3174064 / free self-archived version PDF)

Carter, F., Mata-Marin, S., Onafuwa, D., Ansari, A., Lockton, D. (2017). ‘Changing behavior of the systems we’re in: Designing for transitions in Environment, Economy, and Democracy’. RSD6: Relating Systems Thinking and Design 6 Symposium, 18-20 October 2017, Oslo. (free open access PDF)

Van de Zande, T. and Lockton, D. (2017). ‘Printerface: Screen Printed Electroluminescent Touch Interface’. ISS ’17: 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, 17-20 October 2017, Brighton, UK. (paywall version: doi:10.1145/3132272.3132286 / free self-archived version PDF)

Mata-Marin, S. and Lockton, D. (2017). ‘Technologies of Division: Everyday Bordering’. NORDES 2017: 7th Nordic Design Research Conference, 15-17 June 2017, Oslo. (free open access PDF)

Pao, D., Stevens, J., Lockton, D., Weinstein, N. (2017). ‘Together in Electric Screams: A Survey of EPR Usability and Clinician Wellbeing’. BASHH-SSSTDI Annual Conference, 18-20 June 2017, Belfast.

Lockton, D., Ricketts, D., Aditya Chowdhury, S., Lee, C.H. (2017). ‘Exploring Qualitative Displays and Interfaces’. CHI EA ’17: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, Colorado, 6-11 May 2017. Extended Abstracts, pp. 1844-1852. (paywall version doi:10.1145/3027063.3053165 / free self-archived version PDF)

Terzioğlu, N., Brass, C., Lockton, D. (2016). ‘3D Printing for Repair: A Paradigm Shift in Fixing Our Relationships with Things’. Sustainable Innovation 2016: Circular Economy Innovation & Design, 7-8 November 2016, Epsom, UK. (free open access PDF)

Lockton, D. (2016). ‘Transition Lenses: Perspectives on futures, models and agency’. Transition Design Symposium: Can Design Catalyse the Great Transition? 17-19 June 2016, Dartington, UK. (free draft version PDF)

Terzioğlu, N., Brass, C. & Lockton, D. (2015) ‘Understanding User Motivations And Drawbacks Related To Product Repair’. Sustainable Innovation 2015, 9-10 November 2015, Epsom, UK. (free open access version PDF)

Choi, Y., Lockton, D., Brass, C., & Stevens, J. (2015) ‘Opportunities for sustainable packaging design: Learning from pregnancy as a metaphor’. Sustainable Innovation 2015, 9-10 November 2015, Epsom, UK. (free open access version PDF)

Ranner, V. & Lockton, D. (2015) ‘Reflective Silk—Behaviour Change through Better Self-Knowledge’. DRHA 2015: Digital Research in Arts and Humanities, 1-3 September 2015, Dublin (abstract)

Lockton, D., Bowden, F., Brass, C. & Gheerawo, R. (2014) ‘Powerchord: Towards ambient appliance-level electricity use feedback through real-time sonification’. UCAmI 2014: 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence, 2-5 December 2014, Belfast (free draft version PDF)

Lockton, D., Bowden, F., Brass, C. & Gheerawo, R. (2014) ‘Bird-wattching: exploring sonification of home electricity use with birdsong’. SoniHED – Conference on Sonification of Health and Environmental Data, 12 September 2014, York (free paper PDF)

Lockton, D., Renström, S., Bowden, F., Rahe, U., Brass, C. & Gheerawo, R. (2014) ‘Energy storytelling through annotating everyday life’. BEHAVE 2014: 3rd European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, 3-4 September 2014, Oxford (free paper PDF)

Niedderer, K., MacKrill, J., Clune, S., Evans, M., Lockton, D., Ludden, G., Morris, A., Gutteridge, R., Gardiner, E., Cain, R. & Hekkert, P. (2014) ‘Joining Forces: Investigating the influence of design for behaviour change on sustainable innovation’. NordDesign 2014: 10th biannual conference on design and development, 27-29 August 2014, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland (free paper PDF)

Baedeker, C., Greiff, K., Grinewitschus, V., Hasselkuß, M., Keirstead, J., Keyson, D., Knutsson, J., Liedtke, C., Lockton, D., Lovric, T., Morrison, G., van Rijn, M., Rohn, H., Silvester, S., van Harinxma, W. & Virdee, L. (2014) ‘Transition through sustainable Product and Service Innovations in Sustainable Living Labs: application of user-centred research methodology within four Living Labs in Northern Europe’. IST 2014 : 5th International conference on Sustainability Transitions, 27-29 August 2014, Utrecht (free paper PDF)

Greene, C., Sobers, S., Zamenopoulos, T., Ramster, G. & Lockton, D. (2014) ‘Reflections on co-production – the community perspective’. Royal Geographical Society 2014 Annual International Conference, 26-29 August 2014, London (abstract).

Lockton, D., Renström, S., Bowden, F., Rahe, U., Brass, C. & Gheerawo, R. (2014) ‘Narrating energy through annotating everyday life’. Royal Geographical Society 2014 Annual International Conference, 26-29 August 2014, London (abstract).

Bowden, F., Lockton, D., Brass, C. & Gheerawo, R. (2014) ‘Drawing Energy: Exploring the Aesthetics of the Invisible’. IAEA Congress 2014: Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, 22-24 August 2014, New York (free paper PDF)

Lockton, D., Bowden, F., Greene, C., Brass, C. & Gheerawo, R. (2013) ‘SusLabNWE: Integrating qualitative and quantitative data to understand people’s everyday energy behavior’. BECC 2013: Behavior, Energy & Climate Change, 18-20 November 2013, Sacramento, CA, University of California eScholarship repository (free open access)

Lockton, D., Bowden, F., Greene, C., Brass, C. & Gheerawo, R. (2013) ‘People and energy: A design-led approach to understanding everyday energy use behaviour’. EPIC 2013: Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference, 15-18 September 2013, Royal Institution, London. (free open access doi: 10.1111/j.1559-8918.2013.00029.x)

Lockton, D., Cain, R., Harrison, D., Nicholson, L. (2013) ‘CarbonCulture at DECC: Digital Engagement for Sustainability at Work’. HCI 2013: 27th International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference: The Internet of things, London, 9-13 September, 2013. (free open access)

Lockton, D., Cain, R., Harrison, D., Giudice, S., Nicholson, L. & Jennings, P. (2011) ‘Behaviour Change at Work: empowering energy efficiency in the workplace through user-centred design’. BECC 2011: Behavior, Energy & Climate Change, Washington, DC, November 30-December 2, 2011, University of California eScholarship repository (free open access)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D. & Stanton, N. A. (2010) ‘Modelling the User: How design for sustainable behaviour can reveal different stakeholder perspectives on human nature’. In ERSCP-EMSU 2010, Delft, Netherlands, October 25-29, 2010, Proceedings, TU Delft (free open access PDF)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., & Stanton, N. A. (2010) ‘Concept Generation for Persuasive Design’. In Persuasive Technology: Fifth International Conference, Persuasive 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 7-9, 2010, poster proceedings, University of Oulu Department of Information Processing Science (free open access)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D. & Stanton, N. A. (2009) ‘Design for Sustainable Behaviour: investigating design methods for influencing user behaviour’. In Sustainable Innovation 09: Towards Sustainable Product Design 14, Farnham, UK, 26-27 October 2009, Proceedings, Centre for Sustainable Design, Farnham (free open access version)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D. & Stanton, N.A. (2009) ‘Choice Architecture and Design with Intent’. In Wong, W & Stanton, N.A. (eds.), NDM9 – 9th Bi-annual International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, June 23-26, 2009, London, UK, Doctoral Consortium Proceedings, British Computer Society, Swindon (free open access)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., Holley, T., & Stanton, N. A. (2009) ‘Influencing Interaction: Development of the Design with Intent Method’. In Persuasive Technology: Fourth International Conference, Persuasive 2009, Claremont, California, April 27-29, 2009, Proceedings, ACM Digital Library, New York (paywall version doi:10.1145/1541948.1541956 / free open access version)

Lockton, D., Harrison, D., & Stanton, N.A. (2008) ‘Design with Intent: Persuasive Technology in a Wider Context’. In H. Oinas-Kukkonen, P. Hasle, M. Harjumaa, K. Segerstahl, & P. Ohrstrom (Eds.), Persuasive Technology: Third International Conference, Persuasive 2008, Oulu, Finland, June 4-6, 2008, Proceedings (p. 274—278), Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5033, Springer, Berlin (paywall version doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68504-3_30 / free open access version)

Workshops, seminars, and salons

Zea-Wolfson, T., Lockton, D., Chou, J., Song, Y., Ryan, E., Walsh, C.J. (2020). ‘RtD for Self-Inquiry: Sleep Ecologies’.  Paper for DIS 2020 workshop: RtD in Situ: Discussing the Domains and Impact of Design Research, DIS 2020, ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, online.

Lockton, D. (2020). ‘Survival of Things That Fit: Adaptors as Metaphors for IoT Devices‘. Paper for DIS 2020 workshop: Designing for the End of Life of IoT Objects, DIS 2020, ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, online.

Lockton, D. and Bella (2020). ‘This‽ Uncertainty as a Generative Practice in Design‘. Paper for CHI ’20 Workshop: Embracing Uncertainty in HCI, CHI 2020: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, online.

Lockton, D. (2019). ‘Reifying through Design(ing)’. Paper for CHI ’19 Workshop: Doing Things with Research through Design: With What, Whom, and Towards What Ends?, CHI 2019: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow.

Lockton, D., Some Cracks In The Paving, Water Trapped In The Window Of A British Rail Class 450 Train Carriage (2018). ‘Apophenia As Method—Or, Everything Is Either A Metaphor Or An Analogue Computer’. Disruptive Improvisation: Making Use of Non-Deterministic Art Practices, workshop at CHI 2018: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 21–26 April 2018, Montreal

Ranner, V., Lockton, D., Steenson, M.W., Galik, G. & Kerridge, T. (2016) ‘Plans and Speculated Actions’. Conversation at DRS 2016: Design + Research + Society: Future-Focused Thinking, 27-30 June 2016, Brighton, UK (abstract)

Lockton, D. (2015) ‘Is designing for behaviour change ‘creepy’?’. V&A Design Culture Salon, 20 November 2015, Victoria & Albert Museum, London. (introductory remarks)

Dutson, C., Fantini van Ditmar, D. & Lockton, D. (2015) ‘The Performance of Nonhuman Behaviour’. Workshop at Nordes 2015: Design Ecologies: Challenging anthropocentrism in the design of sustainable futures, 7-10 June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden (abstract)

Greene, C., Lockton, D., Alexiou, K., Alevizou, G. & Zamenopoulos, T. (2014) ‘Community Led Design’. Workshop at Creative Citizens: The Conference, 18-19 September 2014, Royal College of Art, London.

Lockton, D., Bowden, F., Renström, S., Selvefors, A., Hagbert, P., Baedeker, C. & Ameli, N. (2014) ‘Designing with people in sustainability and behaviour change research’. Workshop at DRS 2014: Design Research Society International Conference, 15-19 June 2014, Umeå, Sweden (abstract)

Lockton, D. (2014) ‘Model(led) Citizens: Scenarios and design in the era of ‘behaviour change’’. Oxford Futures Forum 2014, 30-31 May 2014, Oxford (abstract).

Lockton, D. (2014) ‘Determinism, Cybernetics and Co-Design: Smart Cities and even smarter citizens’. Behaviour Change and Psychological Governance: Changing spaces, urban planning and neuroarchitecture, ESRC seminar series, 24 March 2014, University of Bristol. (abstract).

Lockton, D. (2012) ‘Behaviour change at work: The CarbonCulture project’. ADMIER/ESPRU Household Energy Consumption, Technology and Efficiency seminar, University of Birmingham School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7 June 2012.

Lockton, D. (2010). ‘Design with Intent: Using design patterns to develop new persuasive technology applications’. Workshop at Persuasive Technology: Fifth International Conference, Persuasive 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 7-9, 2010, organised in conjunction with Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab.

Lockton, D. (2008) ‘Design with Intent: behaviour-shaping through design’. New Sciences of Protection: Designing Safe Living, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University, July 2008.

Reports commissioned for clients, partners & projects

Harrow, D., Gheerawo, R., Boyd Davis, S., Phillips, D., Lockton, D., Mausbach, A., Wu, J., Ramster, G., Johnson, S., Meldaikyte, G., Piliste, P., Quinlan, D., Roberts, E. (2020). Driverless futures: Design for acceptance and adoption in urban environments. Royal College of Art, December 2020. ISBN 978-1-910642-32-0

Niedderer, K., Cain, R., Clune, S., Lockton, D., Ludden, G., Mackrill, J., Morris. A., Evans, M., Gardiner, E., Gutteridge, R. and Hekkert. P. (2014) Creating Sustainable Innovation through Design for Behaviour Change: Summary Report. University of Wolverhampton, September 2014. ISBN 978-0-9560204-7-5 (free open access PDF)

Niedderer, K., Cain, R., Clune, S., Lockton, D., Ludden, G., Mackrill, J., Morris. A., Evans, M., Gardiner, E., Gutteridge, R. and Hekkert. P. (2014) Creating Sustainable Innovation through Design for Behaviour Change: Full Report. University of Wolverhampton, September 2014. ISBN 978-0-9560204-9-9 (free open access PDF)

Alexiou, K., Alevizou, G., Zamenopoulos, T., Greene, C. and Lockton, D. (2014) ‘Community Led Design’, in Hargreaves, I. (ed.), Creative Citizens: First Findings. Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art, September 2014.

CarbonCulture Team and DECC (2012) ‘CarbonCulture at DECC Summary Report: Can user engagement save energy and carbon at work? An exploration of behavioural economics at the Department of Energy and Climate Change’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), September 2012. (free open access PDF)

CarbonCulture Team and DECC (2012) ‘How can user engagement save energy and carbon at work? An Exploration of Behavioural Economics at the Department of Energy and Climate Change’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), September 2012. (free open access)

Lockton, D. (2011) ‘Report on ‘Energy use and you’ ethnography sessions at Brunel University’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), April 2011.

Lockton, D. (2011) ‘Energy use and behaviour change at Brunel University’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), March 2011.

Lockton, D. (2011) ‘Report on ‘Mental models of HVAC systems’ ethnography sessions at DECC’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), January 2011.

Lockton, D. (2010) ‘EMPOWER workshop report on Product Impact Symposium, University of Twente’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), December 2010.

Lockton, D. (2010) ‘Comfort, energy & behaviour in the workplace: A review’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), November 2010.

Lockton, D. (2010) ‘Design for behaviour change: A review’. For the CarbonCulture / EMPOWER project (More Associates, Brunel University, University of Warwick), November 2010.

Lockton, D. (2010) ‘Behaviour Change: State-of-Art Review’. For More Associates, London, March 2010.