Robert Fabricant of frog design — with whom I had a great discussion a couple of weeks ago in London — has an insightful new article up at frog’s Design Mind, titled, oddly enough, ‘Design with Intent: how designers can influence behaviour’ — which tackles […]
Yearly archives of “2009”
Smart meter design consultation: chance to get involved
Over on the Design & Behaviour list/group, Jamie Young of the RSA has started a discussion about the UK’s ‘smart meter’ plans, on which the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is running a consultation.
‘Smart meters’: some thoughts from a design point of view
Here’s my (rather verbose) response to the three most design-related questions in DECC’s smart meter consultation that I mentioned earlier today. Please do get involved in the discussion that Jamie Young’s started on the Design & Behaviour group and on his blog at the RSA. […]
What’s happening with the toolkit (Part 2): Interaction design: how you can be part of it
Following on from part 1, here are a few of the ‘new’ design patterns that are going to be in v.0.95 of the Design with Intent toolkit, but for which I don’t yet have very good ‘design’ examples. Any suggestions, or photos / screenshots would […]