All posts filed under “Events”

Our ethnographic approach
This is a guest blog post we were invited to write by Gabrielle Ackroyd, one of the organisers of EPIC 2013, the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference, taking place in London from 15-18 September. Our paper, ‘People and energy: A design-led approach to understanding everyday energy use behaviour’ [PDF] will be presented by Dan on […]

Introducing AcrossRCA: Seeing Things
Please see the updated schedule for the week AcrossRCA is a week-long programme of cross-disciplinary working at the RCA, bringing together students and staff with different expertise, interests and perspectives to collaborate on a wide range of briefs set both internally and by external partner organisations. This year, from 28 October to 1 November, the […]

Life Examined: SusLab at the London Design Festival
From 15–23 September, our work on SusLab will be featured in Life Examined, the 2013 Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design exhibition, taking place at the RCA’s Dyson building in Battersea as part of the London Design Festival. Life Examined is the annual presentation of design projects by the Helen Hamlyn Research Associates, exploring design to […]

Co-creation workshop
At the end of September, five householders from London and beyond worked together with five designers from the RCA’s Service Design department and Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, participating in a SusLab co-creation workshop at the Science Museum’s Dana Centre in Kensington. Our aim with the workshop was to connect a talented set of designers […]

Invitation: Home Energy Hackday, Saturday 9 November
SusLab Home Energy Hackday, Dana Centre, Science Museum, London SW7 5HD Saturday 9 November, 8.30am – 8.30pm Sign up at Eventbrite Are you interested in energy, design, prototyping or user research? As part of the European SusLab project, we’re running a one-day hackday event to explore new ways of making home energy use more tangible, […]

AcrossRCA Seeing Things: introducing the week
We now have a diverse group of twenty students, from 12 different RCA courses, from all six schools, signed up for Seeing Things (28 October – 1 November). The programme we posted earlier in the summer has changed a bit (see below) though the overall pattern of the week is similar. Our challenge over the […]

dConstruct workshop: Influencing behaviour: people, products, services and systems
I’m running a workshop on Wednesday 31st August at dConstruct 2011 in Brighton, and I thought it would be worthwhile explaining in a bit more detail what it’s about, and what we’ll be doing. Here’s the summary from the dConstruct website: Whether we choose to […]

dConstructing a workshop
A couple of weeks ago, at dConstruct 2011 in Brighton, 15 brave participants took part in my full-day workshop ‘Influencing behaviour: people, products, services and systems’, with which I was very kindly assisted by Sadhna Jain from Central Saint Martins. As a reference for the […]

Seeing Things: The projects
Visualising invisible patterns in human behaviours and environmental conditions Go straight to the projects On Friday 1 November, in the Senior Common Room at the Royal College of Art, twenty students from twelve different courses presented the outcomes of their week-long Seeing Things projects to invited guests, including participants in other AcrossRCA projects run by […]

Home Energy Hackday: the results
On Saturday 9th November, about 35 designers, developers, makers, researchers and other interesting people came together at the Science Museum’s Dana Centre. We had everyone from energy startups to service designers, venture capital to building performance and energy consultants, along with participants from our SusLabNWE partner organisations, Chalmers (Gothenburg) and Imperial College London. (Full list […]