Welcome to visitors from 9rules and We Make Money Not Art. With a diverse set of new readers, and the start of a new year, I should probably try to explain, succinctly, what this blog’s about.
Most of the posts look at ‘architectures of control‘ designed into products, systems and environments, which seek to force the user to behave in a certain way. It’s something of a broad concept, embodying aspects of computer science, interaction design, architecture, psychology, politics, marketing, economics and counterculture alongside product design and engineering; pretty soon I hope to have a ‘Top 10’ post which might make some of this clear through stand-out examples, but for the moment, please do take a look through the archives or some of the tags in the sidebar to get a flavour of the subject. Your involvement, suggestions, comments, and so on are very welcome and a big part of how I get ideas for posts.
There are also a few posts about other aspects of design, technology, the internet, society and the environment – not many so far, but I’ll be doing a lot more of these in 2007.
About me – my name’s Dan Lockton, and I’m a freelance designer / engineer / maker / writer / researcher from England. Many of the projects I work on relate to mobility and lightweight transport, but I’m interested in the relationships between technology (of all kinds) and society generally, and hoping to develop my work in this field. (My main website and portfolio need a bit of updating, at time of writing.)