All posts by “danlockton

A reader’s guide to my PhD thesis

A reader’s guide to my PhD thesis

PhD theses are unusual documents, often (in the UK at least) written and revised primarily to satisfy arbitrary academic examination criteria rather than to be readable. That is certainly the case here: as the author, I am proud of having done the PhD, but not […]



It’s been a bit of a chaotic time recently, both in family terms and professionally, so my apologies for the lack of updates. In February I started as Visiting Research Tutor in Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) at the RCA, helping develop a programme of research […]

What does energy look like? Drawing Energy book now available

What does energy look like? Drawing Energy book now available

Last year, Flora Bowden blogged about our investigation of people’s perceptions of ‘energy’—how do people visualise, or think about, what is for the most part an abstract, invisible concept? A book detailing our research, Drawing Energy, is now available to download or order: Bowden, F., Lockton, D., Gheerawo, R. and Brass, C. (2015). Drawing Energy: […]

Design with Intent: The Book

Design with Intent: The Book

I’m very excited to announce that O’Reilly Media will be publishing my Design with Intent book in Autumn 2016, with an Early Release version available before that. Please do sign up to the new newsletter for updates! Design is increasingly about people’s behaviour, but this […]

Imaginaries Lab 2021 Review

Imaginaries Lab 2021 Review

This is a re-post of the Imaginaries Lab newsletter (subscribe here) It’s been too long since the last newsletter, back in those days before “all of this”. I didn’t even do one in 2020—the end of that year was just too fraught, too difficult. You’ve […]

A Brief History of the Future of Urban Computing and Locative Media: PhD Dissertation | Anne Galloway "The dissertation builds on available sociological approaches to understanding everyday life in the networked city to show that emergent technologies reshape our experiences of spatiality, temporality and embodiment. […]

What’s the deal with angled steps?

What’s the deal with angled steps?

It’s a simple question, really, to any readers with experience in urban planning and specifying architectural features: what is the reasoning behind positioning steps at an angle such as this set (left and below) leading down to the Queen’s Walk near London Bridge station? Obviously […]

Test This is a test for a new feature on the blog. It ought to be excluded from the RSS feed, but if that doesn’t work, please ignore it!

Clearing the tabs

Clearing the tabs

London Lies – Part 1 of a Series « London Particulars "Colonnade was a drink manufactured by Holborn pharmacist G. R. Ferdinand following a trip to the United States in the 1890s. While there, he was intrigued by drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, marketed […]

Heating debate

Heating debate

Central heating systems have interfaces, and many of us interact with them every day, even if only by experiencing their effects. But there’s a lot of room for improvement. They’re systems where (unlike, say, a car) we don’t generally get instantaneous feedback on the changes […]