Giving with one hand, and taking away with the other. The juxtaposition of hand rails and anti-sit spikes outside this church in Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire suggests a particular configuration of design priorities: helping people climb the steps, but forbidding anyone sitting on the wall. Are the […]
All posts by “danlockton”
Anti-homeless ‘stools’
Stuart Candy of the brilliant Sceptical Futuryst let me know about authorities in Honolulu replacing benches with round ‘stools’ to prevent homeless people sleeping at bus stops (above image from Honolulu Advertiser story): So far, the city has spent about $11,000 on the seating initiative, […]
Architecture and Intent
ErnÅ‘ Goldfinger on his Trellick Tower: I built skyscrapers for people to live in there and now they messed them up – disgusting. Discuss.
The Design with Intent Toolkit v.0.9
â– How to influence user behaviour â– 12 inspirational design patterns in poster form (plus 35 more) â– Grouped into 6 ‘lenses’ giving different perspectives Download the poster (it’s a 1.3 MB PDF) – now also includes A4 pages for each lens, for easier printing […]
What sort of behaviour?
The different patterns (initially just those featured on the poster) have each been given a badge (or two) showing whether they have the effect of enabling, motivating, or constraining user behaviour: Enabling behaviour Enabling ‘desirable’ behaviour by making it easier for the user than the […]
Architectural Lens: The Patterns
Bonjour / Goeiendag to visitors from Design for Persuasion: while you’re here, you might also like to download a free poster [PDF] which has 12 of the Design with Intent patterns on it in a handy reference form. Thanks for stopping by! The Architectural Lens […]
A survey for designers: more books to win
Following last week’s card-sorting exercise (which went really well – thanks to everyone who took part), here’s something a bit more open-ended and ongoing. I’m trying to find out how designers and design teams (in-house or consultancies) who’ve worked on influencing user behaviour think about […]
Some interesting projects (Part 1)
I’ve come across some interesting student projects at various shows and exhibitions this summer, some of which address the relationship between design and people’s behaviour in different situations, and some of which explicitly aim to influence what people do and think. Here’s a selection (Part […]
September workshop sessions: invitation
As part of my PhD I’m testing different variants of the Design with Intent toolkit with designers (and design students) to find out how well different configurations work when a designer’s faced with a brief about influencing user behaviour: how useful are the ideas in […]
Design for Persuasion, 1st October, Brussels
On 1st October I’ll be talking about How to influence user behaviour: Design with Intent at the Design for Persuasion event in Brussels, alongside some great speakers including BJ Fogg, Richard Sedley and Christel De Maeyer. There are still some last-minute tickets available. Here’s a […]
Greengaged 2009
Been a little busy round here, continuing for the next week or so, but in the meantime I thought I’d share a post I was invited to write for Greengaged, the fantastic programme of events at the Design Council on sustainability, which took place this […]
Some interesting projects (Part 2)
Following on from Part 1, here are a couple more very interesting student projects linking design and behaviour. This time, both involve providing feedback on the impact or costs of everyday behaviours in order to get people to think. Tim Holley’s Tio project, developed in […]