All posts filed under “DRM”

Self-erasing mp3 player: Don’t give ’em ideas!
In a comment on a Boing Boing post about RFID ‘viruses’, Ben Giddings makes an interesting aside:

The fight back: Dongle sharing
Just flicking through last month’s issue of MCAD magazine, I came across an interesting advert from Smart Logic Ltd for the SmarterX range of ‘dongle sharing’ devices.

Podcast of London Copyfighters’ Brunch
The guys at Meme Therapy – incubating the world’s premature ideas have produced a great podcast of last Sunday’s fascinating London Copyfighters event, with interviews, discussion and some of the speeches from Speakers’ Corner, including my own rather spur-of-the-moment rant (about 25 minutes in) in […]

The fight back: Refill ‘er up
Via MAKE – printer cartridge refilling stations are about to become a lot more widespread in major store chains in the US, such as Walgreens and OfficeMax (as opposed to the existing Cartridge World-type refill stores).

The fight back: Defeating cartridge expiry
Via Boing Boing (& thanks too to Jeremy Tirrell for alerting me), a very useful piece of free software from the SSC Localization Group which allows the user to get round a variety of architectures of control designed into Epson printer cartridges, including:

BBspot – New Starforce DRM Uses CD Made from Plastic Explosives
From the always excellent BBspot: ‘New Starforce DRM Uses CD Made from Plastic Explosives’. “Not only does this protect the software from being copied, but it also prevents the copier from ever copying anything again. If we’re lucky we’ll also take out his hacker brother […]

Philips: You MUST watch these adverts
Via Jack Yan’s excellent Persuader Blog, news of a patent application filed by Philips which would prevent television viewers either changing channel during commercial breaks, or fast-forwarding through the adverts when watching recorded shows.

‘Researchers develop prototype system to thwart unwanted video and still photography’
Via Boing Boing, ‘Researchers develop prototype system to thwart unwanted video and still photography’, news from Georgia Tech of a system that scans and finds the CCDs of digital imaging equipment and shines bright light (or a laser) into them in order to flood them […]

Digital control round-up
Some developments in – and commentary on – digital architectures of control to end 2006: Peter Gutmann’s ‘A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection’ (via Bruce Schneier) looks very lucidly at the effects that Vista’s DRM and measures to ‘protect’ content will have – […]