Unless you always read via RSS, you’ve probably noticed that this site’s changed a bit in the last few days. It has a new style, new layout and even a pretentious/over-complex new name: fulminate // Architectures of Control. Why have I done this?
All posts filed under “Fulminate”

What I’ve learned so far as a freelance designer/engineer/maker: Part 2
In part 1 of ‘What I’ve learned so far…’ I looked mostly at being a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ and the idea of ‘Wexelblat’s scheduling algorithm’ (or the ‘good, fast, cheap: pick two’ theory) as it applies to a young freelancer starting out. There were some very insightful […]

Getting around
The TAXI Design network has syndicated* my post on the Nicostopper for its very interesting ‘The Driver Speaks’ strand of articles – perhaps not the most obvious choice of articles to choose, but I suppose it was relatively short and to-the-point compared with much on […]

Friday quote: Writer’s Block
Scott Adams (via Seth Godin): I think writer’s block is when you say to yourself, “I could write something, but it wouldn’t be good enough.” There’s no such thing as a complete inability to write a sentence. He’s right, of course: it’s the fear of […]

Runnymede Memorial: Part 1
This post is the start of a series that will only be of interest to a few readers, but it’s about a subject that means a lot to me, and about a place which, in one way or another, has had an impact on design, […]

Friday quote: Precedents
It is remarkable… how often thinking for oneself will lead us to conclusions written about before we were born. From a post by Vera Bass, ‘Teaching requires learning’, 6th November 2006. Many people have probably also said this, but that’s the point, pretty much.

Friday quote: Precedents (the flipside)
As a flipside, perhaps, to the quote on precedents from a couple of weeks ago: If there is something really cool, and you can’t understand why somebody hasn’t done it before, it’s because you haven’t done it yourself. (From Lion Kimbro‘s fascinating How to Make […]

Still here
Apologies for the lack of posts for the last week-and-a-bit; I’ve been very busy with projects (design, research, building prototypes, testing, etc) for a number of clients and, as always, things take longer than you expect. I said before that I didn’t want to write […]

What I’ve learned so far as a freelance designer/engineer/maker: Part 1
This is the first in a series of essays where I’ll try to look at some of the realities of working freelance in this field; I hope these will be interesting and possibly useful to others contemplating this kind of work. Please note, these are […]

Plug: Wilson Brothers’ blog
Bit of a design-related plug: London designer/maker Ben Wilson (with whom I’m currently working on a project for Sir Clive Sinclair) and his brothers, Oscar and Luke, have just launched their own collaborative photo blog, which I helped set up using WordPress.com, a mildly modified […]
![[off-topic] Self-referential search results](https://imaginari.es/wp-content/themes/ubud/images/default-square-clouds.png)
[off-topic] Self-referential search results
I don’t normally do ‘off-topic’ posts – in fact this is the first – but I just re-read the earlier post ‘Nice attitude‘ and clicked on the link ‘device to stop young people congregating‘ in the post, which links to an Orange search page which […]

More self-regarding nonsense
Architectures of Control in Design is in the Technorati top 100,000 for the first time. I know that’s not exactly spectacular, but it’s satisfying, and pleasing, to know that more people are coming across the site and finding it interesting enought to link to! Thanks […]