All posts filed under “Imaginaries

Around 15 orange and yellow illuminated coloured acrylic "Sunrise" and "Sunset" discs in a frame, with a video of a sunset projected over them. The discs have drawings or paintings on them of things including a tree, a diagram of the earth with arrows around it, and an abstract zig-zag star pattern.

2024: Looking back (and forward)

This blog is now in its 20th year* and it’s been in the wilderness for a bit. I feel as though for the last few years, I’ve mainly used blogging, and the newsletter version of it, to recite lists of “things I have done”/”events I […]

Imaginaries Lab review of the year: 2018

Imaginaries Lab review of the year: 2018

It’s the end of December, which means it’s time for an update. Here at the Imaginaries Lab we’re just completing our second year, currently based within Carnegie Mellon School of Design. We’re a pretty part-time lab at present, but have aims to do much more […]

Imaginaries Lab 2021 Review

Imaginaries Lab 2021 Review

This is a re-post of the Imaginaries Lab newsletter (subscribe here) It’s been too long since the last newsletter, back in those days before “all of this”. I didn’t even do one in 2020—the end of that year was just too fraught, too difficult. You’ve […]