All posts filed under “Blog

Apologies for the delay to this service

Apologies for the delay to this service

You’re owed an apology, dear reader, for the 2-month hiatus with the blog. It’s down to a variety of reasons compounding each other, and alternately forcing me to prioritise other pressing problems, then when I tried seizing the initiative again, frustrating me with technical issues […]

Design with Intent links 2008-04-23

Design with Intent links 2008-04-23

Design for Service Jeff Howard’s Design for Service blog – some very clear perspectives on this increasingly important way of looking at much everyday interaction design (tags: architecturesofcontrol, design service servicedesign designwithintent interaction interactiondesign) Seth Godin: The world’s worst toaster Understanding how people actually use […]

links for 2008-04-25

links for 2008-04-25

Flickr: The Desire Paths Pool Google may be a database of intentions; ‘desire paths’ are the record of user intentions which in some way conflict with what the designers intended… (tags: desire paths desirepaths design architecture built environment inention intent) Brian Burns’ presentation on ‘Newness […]

links for 2008-04-26

links for 2008-04-26

The Psychology of Security – Bruce Schneier Succinct analysis. The section on heuristics and biases affecting user decisions is particularly relevant to the Design with Intent research. (tags: schneier cognitivebias security risk heuristics)

Design-Behaviour website launched

Design-Behaviour website launched

Loughborough’s Dr Debra Lilley, who has done extensive research into designing for behavioural change, has just launched an excellent new website, Design-Behaviour, which brings together her research findings and some great examples of behaviour-changing products from different fields to illustrate the approaches identified. The site […]

links for 2008-05-01

links for 2008-05-01

Welsh couple cop Mosquito flak – The Register Discriminatory atmospherics (tags: mosquito discriminatoryatmospherics atmospherics soundweapon humanrights) Volvo gearchange indicator light Some Volvos were offered with an optional gearchange indicator, illuminating at the most efficient moment for the driver to change up a gear, based on […]

Interesting parallels

Interesting parallels

Security is about preventing adverse consequences from the intentional and unwarranted actions of others. What this definition basically means is that we want people to behave in a certain way… and security is a way of ensuring that they do so. Bruce Schneier, Beyond Fear […]

Chute the messenger

Chute the messenger

This is a communal rubbish chute serving a block of flats. The cross-sectional area of the aperture revealed by opening the hatch should be smaller than the cross-sectional area of the chute itself, so there’s less chance of rubbish bags getting stuck, even when someone […]

Spear’s Spellmaster: Poka-yoke in the classroom

Spear’s Spellmaster: Poka-yoke in the classroom

Back in September we looked at Mentor Teaching Machines, a clever type of non-linear textbook from the early 1970s which guides/constrains the user’s progression, in the process diagnosing some common types of misunderstanding and ‘remedying’ them. The comments were enlightening, too: there’s a lot more […]

News from Runnymede

News from Runnymede

All sketches from John Thompson & Partners’ ‘Runnymede Campus Community Planning Broadsheet’ and photographs of the public presentation. Apologies for the variations in image quality and colour balance. This post’s overdue but I wanted to have some real news (and images) rather than pure speculation.

Slanty design

Slanty design

The Main Reading Room, Library of Congress. Image from CIRLA. In this article from Communications of the ACM from January 2007, Russell Beale uses the term slanty design to describe “design that purposely reduces aspects of functionality or usability”: It originated from an apocryphal story […]