All posts filed under “Site Announcements

Around 15 orange and yellow illuminated coloured acrylic "Sunrise" and "Sunset" discs in a frame, with a video of a sunset projected over them. The discs have drawings or paintings on them of things including a tree, a diagram of the earth with arrows around it, and an abstract zig-zag star pattern.

2024: Looking back (and forward)

This blog is now in its 20th year* and it’s been in the wilderness for a bit. I feel as though for the last few years, I’ve mainly used blogging, and the newsletter version of it, to recite lists of “things I have done”/”events I […]

User intent and emergence

User intent and emergence

Something which came out of the seminar at Brunel earlier this week (thanks to everyone who came along) was the idea that any method of selecting ways to design products that aim to shape or guide users’ behaviour really must incorporate some evaluation of users’ […]

Seminar, 27th May

Seminar, 27th May

I’ll be giving a brief seminar at Brunel on Tuesday 27th May, in advance of presenting at Persuasive 2008 – it’s a bit of a practice/rehearsal, to be honest…

A year in

A year in

It’s nearly a year since I started my PhD, (and coming up to three years since this blog was launched). Last week I had my end-of-year review, and, while I don’t often post about the minutiae of being a research student on the blog, I […]

Unscheduled intermission

Unscheduled intermission

I know, I know a third of all blog posts indexed by Technorati are “apologies for the lack of posts recently,” and this is no exception. I haven’t posted on the blog in the last week, mainly due to being very busy with work – […]

New, more concrete opportunities

New, more concrete opportunities

School of Engineering & Design, Tower A, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex. After a month of lifting and shifting boxes, frantic cleaning, driving lots of different vehicles, and dealing with bureaucracy, I’ve now moved house and started my PhD at Brunel; with broadband now set up, […]

Bye-bye 9rules

Bye-bye 9rules

Around ten months ago, this site was accepted into 9rules, a diverse network of blogs which, at the time, had this aim: 9rules is a community of the best weblogs in the world on a variety of topics. We started 9rules to give passionate writers […]

Self-regarding nonsense

Self-regarding nonsense

As so often, slow on the uptake, I‘ve – or rather, this blog has – been tagged with a couple of blog memes*, and I really ought to respond. Hey, if I can find time to help Dr Charles Soludo transfer his funds**, I can […]

Persuasion & control round-up

Persuasion & control round-up

New Scientist: Recruiting Smell for the Hard Sell Samsung’s coercive atmospherics strategy involves the smell of honeydew melon: THE AIR in Samsung’s flagship electronics store on the upper west side of Manhattan smells like honeydew melon. It is barely perceptible but, together with the soft, […]

The future of academic exposure?

The future of academic exposure?

A lot of research is published each year. Now that I’m a student again, I’ve got access (via Athens) to a vastly increased amount of academic journals, papers and so on. Far more than I could have done ‘legitimately’ without that Athens login, aside from […]

Persuasive 2008

Persuasive 2008

I’m pleased to say that I’ll be presenting a short paper, Design With Intent: Persuasive Technology in a Wider Context* at Persuasive 2008, the 3rd International Conference on Persuasive Technology, taking place from June 4th-6th in Oulu, Finland. The paper’s a (very) brief introductory review […]

Design with Intent

Design with Intent

I’ve recently been doing a vast amount of reading (and writing a brief paper) on architectures of control-type strategies and precedents, from lots of different fields, as a precursor to planning the first practical parts of my PhD research, and in trying to classify and […]